26 Year Old Emma & Alex Hormozi

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

764 words / 2 mins 20 reading time


Exactly 11 months ago I was sat next to Will Polston at an event he runs for his community called The Dinner.

He asked me what was happening with the ‘Podcast’?

(I’d mentioned it many times before 🙄🤪 )

I came out with all the usual procrastination reasons ‘yeh Im not sure how to launch a podcast’, ‘who will listen to it?’

It was something I really wanted to do but the steps in front of me to get it recorded and out into the world seemed beyond massive.

Granted I’ve been recording videos every week and sending them out and I knew what I was doing with that so it felt safer to stay there.

But then he said one sentence that stuck with me

So lets dig in. 🙂 

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

Walt Disney

Sat Next to Hormozi 😲 

He said to me:

‘I’m sure 26 year old Emma would love to listen to what you have to share’

I thought about 26 year old Emma for a moment.

The one who was about to start a business in 2008 - having no clue what she was doing and how she would get to where she wanted to be.

26 year old Emma would have loved to listen to everything I’ve learned over the past 16 years.

And I really want to help her get to where she wants to go faster.

So in April this year I started my newsletter Win the Week - with 26 year old Emma in mind.

I booked a recording day for July.

And figured out the rest of how we would launch it in September.

Launching it didn’t include any complicated funnels or campaigns either.

I sent some emails to my Mi PA & Newsletter list.

We sent out a social media post once a day for 4 days prior to the launch.

And that weekend, 24 hours after launch day I had a quick look at the Apple Podcast chart to see if we we’re registering in the top 100 of the Entrepreneurship category.

I kept scrolling up and finally found myself at number 7.

Sat one place behind Alex Hormozis podcast The Game.

I could not believe it.

I don’t have a big marketing department behind me.

I don’t have a media strategist directing our next move.

I just started.

  • Had a podcast cover made

  • Booked a studio

  • Invited some friends and clients I really admire

  • Spoke to some friends that have a podcast on getting it uploaded and launched

  • Had castmagic.io write my show notes (I highly recommend by the way if you do any kind of content creation with video 😉)

  • Sent some emails and social posts and off we went

And talked about something which I hold really dear to me (with 26 year old Emma in mind)

How do you get to Focus on the Fun stuff in business?

How do you make sure you enjoy the journey and build a business you love?


What could you take one step towards that you’ve been procrastinating on this week?

I’m betting something will spring immediately to mind.

It always does.

The one thing you know deep down is a ‘Oh I’d really love to do that’

That was the Podcast for me.

In your Sunday planning session this week I recommend take 10 minutes to write a list of all the things you think you’d need to do or know to make it happen.

Just brainstorm the whole list.

Even if its a long one.

Break down as much as you can into all of the baby steps.

Now what one step can you take this week to get started?

Is it learning something? Reading a book or watching a video?

Is it researching it?

Is it asking someone you know who’s already doing it? (People do love to help)

Move one step closer on something you’d love to do this week.

Just like Will encouraged me to do.

I’d also love to know what it is!

Hit reply and I’ll help keep you accountable 🥰 

Go Win the Week 🚀 

I’m cheering you on



P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄 

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