Calling all lazy business owners 🎺

Asking who can do this for me not how can I do this!

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • Why lazy business owners win 😲 

  • Who not How


There’s one question that has gotten me through building a business.

From just me in my bedroom back in 2008 to a 35 strong team in our snazzy offices in Manchester.

One question that as a business owner we rely on from one day to another…

How Can I Solve This?

Our ability to wear every hat, take on every role and do things we’ve never done before with absolute certainty that we’ll make it through. We’ll get it done. We’ll learn it and do it well.

This ability to ‘back ourselves’, to get shit done and to figure it out as you go along when all the world thinks you know exactly what you’re doing is how we get our business off the ground, growing and thiriving

But at some point ‘How Can I Solve This’ stops us in our tracks. It log jams our weeks, gets us overwhelmed and gives us brain fog like no other.

Because to get to where you want to go, to move forwards and work on the good stuff, you simply can’t solve everything yourself and that my friend is what we’re looking at today.

So lets dig in 😉 

Why Lazy Business Owners win 🦥 

In last weeks issue we talked about the importance of doing a time audit. It doesn’t sound sexy I grant you but even just 2 or 3 days of real clarity on where you spent those hours will open your eyes to:

  1. Are you actually doing tasks that generate you your hourly rate? (we covered this 2 weeks back on ‘how to earn 6 figures this year’)

  2. Are you in the busy work so that you FEEL productive?

  3. How much of that time did you spend on the things that actually make the difference?

The first time you do it its generally a shock. 🤯 

But if we dont measure we cant improve - so if you haven’t already, track what you do hour to hour this week.

My first strategy when I work with a client on how we can maximise their time is to work on their mindset.

Most business owners mindsets need to shift from

‘I’ve got this, I can do it, it’s quicker to do it myself’


‘Who can help me?, who can figure this out?, who can I pass this over to?’

I was at an event a couple of years ago delivered by Nigel Botterill and whilst talking about time managment he said ‘saying it’s quicker to do it myself is poor mans thinking’

It hit me badly (because I was guilty of it!) and I’ve never forgotten it.

Its so easy for us to bet on ourselves. We know we’ll get it done. We know we’ll figure it out.

But the question we should be asking ourselves is

Should I be working on this task? Should I be figuring this out? Should I be passing it to a member of the team or finding someone that can help me with it?

Because if you can pass it to someone else, even if it takes longer than you doing it, (which it most probably will to start!!) you absolutely should at every opportunity.

So this week I want you to try being a much lazier business owner. Every time you pick up a task this week, you start to reply to an email, you start to create a presentation, you book a flight or you re-actively get stuck into a situation.

I want you to stop for a second and channel your inner lazy business owner and think:

  1. Is this a part of the key things I want to get done this week or is it taking me off track?

  2. Can someone else do it?

  3. If yes - pass it to someone on your team now.

    If you don’t have a team, start a list of tasks you can offload so that you’re ready for when you get some support

Stop, think and delegate before you dive into each re-active task this week 🪄 

Who Not How 📘 

2 book recommends in 2 weeks! 🙌 

There’s only so many books we can all read and if you’re anything like me you dont need any more encouragement to add to the pile at the side of your bed, desk and sofa, loo already 😃 


This one is the perfect side kick to getting in the mindset of getting help, being a lazier business owner and not trying to do everything yourself like the superhero you clearly are 😉 

I really recommend getting yourself a copy of Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy

In short summary it’s all about the mindset change to not worry about how to solve a problem yourself but instead find the right person to solve it for you.

According to Sullivan the best results come from finding the right people with the right skillset to support you. Not from minimising costs.

I loved it and I think you will too.

Sunday Thoughts 💭 :

  • Do you know what the 3 main things are you will get done by next Friday?

  • Have you planned in the non negotiable time to get them done? 

  • Are you looking forward to this week? Or are there changes you can make now to free up blocks of time or remove meetings that aren’t a priotity?

  • What can you schedule in now to make sure you have time for the things you enjoy?

Remember this week should be productive but FUN.

Take 10 minutes now to make it a week you look forward to 😍 

Happy Sunday lovely - I hope this helped.

Much love… go win the week 🚀 



P.S. If there’s anything you’ like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: 

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