• Win The Week
  • Posts
  • Can you really get one whole month back every year?

Can you really get one whole month back every year?

my answer is yes...I'll show you how...

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • Some uncomfortable sums on your time ➕ ➖➗ 

  • How to get one whole month back every year 📆 


Everybody wants more time.

It’s probably the most complained about topic among all of the business owners I speak to each week.

They don’t have enough time to get the important stuff done.

They’re time poor.

When you ask why they haven’t done X or Y yet, it’s always because they didn’t have enough time.

So, I’m always looking for ways to help people and claim that time back.

You know, maybe re-plan the week.

Plan in focus time.

Get more support to hand those tasks off.

But there’s always one conversation thats most challenging for most people to face up to.

So lets dig in 😉 

Some Uncomfortable Sums 😰 

The average person in the UK spends…….

1 hr 52 minutes per day on social media

Can you even believe it?

I couldn’t.

I literally could not get my head around it.

Brits spend 1 hour 52 minutes daily on social media in the UK - almost a third (30.4 per cent) of their overall screen time. Percentage wise, this is on a par with the 32.6 per cent of the screen time Americans spend surfing social media, at 2 hours 21 minutes daily.

The Independent June 2024

I honestly thought it would be about 30 minutes of time on social media per day.

Scrolling through rubbish.

Swiping up and down.

Going down rabbit holes we never intended to.

Well it isn’t, its apparently 1 hour 52 minutes as of June 2024.

However, for today I’m going to keep assuming my readers spend approximately 30 mins a day on it.

Because here’s whats fascinating if you get your calculator out….

Commence number crunching…… 🤖 

30 mins a day 🟰 210 mins a week

Which is 3.5 hours per week

Lets push that out through the month.

🟰 900 mins a month or 15 hours a month.2 full work days.

If we push it out to the rest of the year well then it’s 180 hours a year 🤯 

and if I divide it by 40 hour work weeks. (stay with me)

It equates to 4.5 work weeks every year spent on scrolling and thats just if I spend 30 minutes a day on it.

Over one whole month.

Imagine losing 4.5 work weeks.

Imagine how many projects you could get done in that time?

Learn a new hobby. Get better at your current hobbies! Relax. Sleep.
Workout more.

The list goes on.

I mean if I take The Independents actual figures that the avg person scrolls for 1 hr 52 minutes. It’s just over 52 hours a month 🤯 

624 hours a year or 15.6 work weeks.

And that to be honest is just too much to comprehend 😅 

Checking how much time you spend in the wrong place 👀 

If you do want to unearth your figure.

And lets face it if you dont check it you cant improve it!

Head to Settings/Screen time/see all app and website activity on your smart phone

In the interest of complete Win the Week transparency my average over the last couple of weeks was 35 minutes a day.

And believe me its top of my list to improve this week! 😅 💪 

I do get it also.

We use social media for our businesses, our personal brand, making sales.

And I’m not saying we should stop that at all.

But when you find yourself consuming more than your creating or partaking in the mindless scroll which makes us compare ourselves, judge others and wonder how that person seems to have it all going so perfectly.

Then that isn’t a good use of your time and you can do so much more with it

You have more time than you think.  🥰

Free Stuff! 🆓 

If you’d like help crafting a week you love I’ve created the perfect Win The Week guide which helps you to create the framework you need to hand to your PA, VA or team to support you with managing your diary - you can grab a copy here! ➡️ Win the Week guide

I want you 🫵 to finish this Friday knowing you got your top 3 tasks done 🚀 

Do your Sunday planning session now:

  1. What 3 things will you get done by next Friday?

  2. Have you planned in the focus time to get them done? 

  3. Are you looking forward to this week?

  4. Are there changes you can make now to free up blocks of time or remove meetings that aren’t a priotity?

  5. What can you schedule in now to make sure you have time for the things you enjoy?

Remember this week should be productive but most of all I want you to enjoy it!

Take 10 minutes now to make it a week you look forward to 😍 

Happy Sunday

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Because time is too precious to waste it scrolling!!! ⌛️ 



P.S. If there’s anything you’d like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe