Damn I'm good

Your new Friday message

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

796 words / 2 mins 50 reading time

We are each our own worst critic, but too much self criticism will only serve to de-rail your personal growth and confidence. Remember to be gentle with yourself at the end of the day

Jack Canfield


Are you your biggest cheerleader or biggest critic?

The amount of time you spend being one or the other will determine if you Win The Week.

Energised, positive mindsets get more done.

Am I energised and positive all of the time?


And last week was one of those where I was kicking my own butt about what I was getting done.

That it wasn’t enough.

So I tried a new kind of to do list and by the end of the week I was cheers’ing myself, patting both shoulders and leading the way as my own hype girl.

And I think it will help you too!

So lets dig in 😉 

The Got Done List 🗒️ 

I had a call with my coach Will last Monday. 

I’d sent him a text letting him know that my previous week had been feeling a little ‘off’.  


Lots of things happening both personally and at work.

And I was hearing myself saying all the things that aren’t good.

‘I’m behind’, ‘Im not doing enough’, ‘If I could just get more done’ 

And just to be clear - it’s not like Im skiving off for a long lunch or bobbing about in my emails all week.

I am moving through a lot of stuff but it still didn’t feel like enough.

So I took ten minutes with Will to work through the amount of things I was planning to get done this week. 

He reminded me of the importance of my ‘get done today list’ and ‘get done this week’ list.

Quite simply, as I get through the 5 or 6 things on the ‘today’ list and if I have more time available then I can move more tasks on the today list but its no drama if I don’t.

On a Sunday I list all of the tasks I want to get done by Friday (max 25 things) and then I move 5 or 6 of them onto the Monday list.

If I have time to do more of them that’s a bonus.

But the plan is to just focus on what I planned for that day.

It helped me to get more realistic.

I can be an expert on thinking I can do it all.

That I’ll smash out two days work in one.

And set myself up to fail.

And it really got me thinking about the impact that doing lots of stuff and still not thinking its enough has on us.

It makes the days less fun.

A constant feeling of underachievement and it’s not even true!

So at the end of last week I tried a new perspective.

And I’d love you to try it to.

I reviewed my ‘Got Done List’

I looked back at the list of everything I had done last week.

And I INSTANTLY felt like I’d had a great week when I saw it in black and white.

I didn’t mind that there were things I hadn’t gotten to or finished.

Because when I looked at the list I was flooded with thoughts of 

‘Damn you did a lot!’

‘Good work Em’

It completely changed how I was feeling and whether the week had been a productive one.

So if you ever have a thought that you haven’t done enough.

Please take a look at your ‘Got Done List’ 

Stop beating yourself up.

It’ll instantly show you you’re wrong. 😀 

Happy Sunday lovely

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Make it a week you’re excited for.

You got this.



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P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄