How to earn 6 figures this year 💰️

Are you leaving this week to chance?

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • How to Earn 6 figures this year 💵 

  • The Only Way To Essex 🕺 


Where you spend your time dictates your earning potential.

What you learn, improve on, action or move forwards.

Whether you’re a business owner or employed. The rule is the same.

Not all hours are created equal.

But sometimes it’s hard to know. What actually is important? Out of the millions of choices we all have and where we spend our time. What do you actually pick?

I felt it myself this morning as I grabbed my coffee and asked myself the same question!

So lets dig in 😉 

How to earn 6 figures this year 💵 

It’s not unusual to gravitate to the lower value ‘£10’ tasks. Theyre the ones we know how to do easily, they often dont take much brain power and we can tick them off the to do list easily.

They entice us in to feeling good about how much we’re getting done!

When actually we’re feeling uncomfortable about looking deeper at what should get be getting our attention.

Or putting something off much bigger.

Things that will take brain power and deep thought and feel hard but they usually generate much more reward 🤔 

There is one thing I learned in 2014 which changed everything for me on how I treat my time and that is properly understanding what my time is worth.

Like in ££££’s - what do my hours equate to based on what I want to earn?

I really believe it’s the ultimate foundation to good decision making and I’d love for you to be aware of it this week.

And here’s how you do it…

*time to get out the calculators 🧮 

How much do you want to earn this year?

For the sake of keeping numbers simple lets say this year I want to earn £100k

How many weeks will you work this?

46 weeks (I want to have 6 weeks off)

How many days per week do you want to work?

4 (lets decide to keep a cheeky Friday to myself and maximise the 4 days)

How many hours do you want to work per day?

7 (8am-3pm sounds good to me 🥰)

Calculate: £100k ➗ 46 ➗ 4 ➗ 7 = £77.63

There it is.


The amount of money I need to generate as a minimum every hour of my working day to hit my £100k earnings target 🎯 

Ok so you’ve got your number - how do I use this info I hear you ask! 🤷‍♀️ 

First up - the more you think about your ‘hourly rate’ your level of Decision making changes

  • If you know your time is worth £77 an hour then you get your groceries delivered rather than spending an hour at the shops

  • If you know your time is worth £77 paying a cleaner £30 a week for a couple of hours of their time rather than yours is a no brainer

  • If you know your time is worth £77 an hour, you buy the direct flight that gets you there faster and you take an uber to a meeting instead of driving so that you can prep and get things done

When you know what your time is worth, the shortcuts and obvious ways to maximise it become so much clearer.

Paying a little extra to get an hour back and choosing how to use it is quite frankly priceless.

You then get to maximise it in to doing something you love or that takes you on your way to your earnings goal. ✨ 

Yesterday I decided that it was time to paint the garden wall. Not the most exciting start to a story but bare with me 🤣

I could have driven out to B&Q, queued to park, walked around looking for the paint aisle, whether they had it in stock, paid, queued to get out and driven back.

Instead I found and bought it online - paid £6 for next day delivery and it arrived this morning.

Some people will just choose not to do that.

The thought of paying for delivery when they can ‘go get it themselves’ will pain them.

But this is how you win the week. Taking back control of your time.

Propery valuing your time.

Its a basic example I know but when you tune in to the wavelength of ‘how do I do this quicker’ or ‘how do I get someone else to do this for me’ quantum leaps in the time you have at your disposal start to happen.

I always think that home life is an easy first place to look at things you might have always done, just because.

Cleaning, mowing the lawn, food shopping even beauty treatments (getting them done at home so you dont need to travel is the ultimate for me! 😉)

It’s an obvious trend that the higher earners I know all have people around them to help them do things.

Whether its jobs they dont enjoy, dont want to do or they just know that they can use that time in much better ways.

Its why people fly in private jets, (Possibly some for the ego boost) but most people I know who do, it’s the massive amount of time its cuts down in travelling from one place to another.

You dont have to stand around checking in and queuing. Its literally hopping on board and off you go.

Successful people maximise their time.

The Only Way to Essex 🚗 

Last year I was at a networking dinner in Chelmsford hosted by my good friend Will Polston and I sat next to a guest who I hadnt met before.

It transpired that he didn’t live too far from Birmingham and as part of the usual chit chat I asked him how he’d gotten to Essex.

I was feeling quite proud of my slick travel planning that day which consisted of a couple of trains and a taxi, when he said to me that he had travelled by taxi.

I thought I’d misheard and laughed as I said ‘what all the way to Essex?’

He nodded and said that the previous year he’d decided to get rid of his car.

He found that driving to meetings was a lot of down time and while you can listen to an audiobook or podcast he still felt he was wasting time in the week.

So he decided to sell his car.

He put the money he was spending on his car into a separate bank account.

He then used this money as his budget for travel with his local taxi company each month.

That trip to Essex had cost him around £300 but he said that while he was in the taxi he’d had some key phone calls, had sent out 2 proposals and had given feedback on a new project his team we’re working on.

All of which he couldn’t have done if he was driving himself and listening to a podcast.

I was incredulous and nodding.

So in actual fact he considered the £300 for 4 hours of travel (there and back) the best use of money possible becuase he’d gotten so much done while travelling to a networking dinner.

And thinking like that is definitely how you win the week.

Do your PAAFF planning today 📔 :

  • Plan - What are the top 3 things you must get done by this Friday?

  • Announce - Share with those who support you what you need to get done.

  • Ahead - Look ahead to this week - is it overscheduled? does it fill you with joy looking ahead? If not what can you do about it now?

  • Focus Time - your 60/90 minutes of scheduled focus time should be in your diary now. Guarded time where you remove all distractions and work on your most important projects to move them forwards

  • Fun - Enjoying the week is as important as using it productively. Have you got time for things you enjoy scheduled in this week?

Remember - you have 168 juicy HOURS coming your way this week - take 10 minutes to make them your best yet.

Win The Week Stats You Should know! 📈 

  • Nearly 50% of the day is wasted at work on unproductive tasks

  • It takes at least 45-60 minutes to become fully immersed in a task

Now that you’ve got your hourly rate and we’ve taken a look at maximising time at home.

Next week we’re going to dig deeper into what kind of tasks at work you should be offloading and what you should be doing instead.

That’s it for this sunny Sunday.

Keep ‘winning the week’ a priority my friend. I’m always cheering you on.

If we win the week 52 times a year you achieve your goals ✨ 

Much love… go win the week



P.S. If there’s anything you’ like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

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