Happiness in 10 minutes tops

my mood changer

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

971 words / 4 mins, 40 sec

  • How I guard my mindset while Im making coffee

  • A chat on growing from £1m - £5m

  • An exclusive offer if you have an Exec Assistant/PA

If you want to live a happy life tie it to a goal, not people or things
Albert Einstein


When the weeks are challenging and things aren’t going to plan - Winning the Week can slip down our list of must haves.

Who wants to plan in focus time when you’ve got money troubles, customer problems, the dogs ill, staff problems, overwhelm, - they throw us off track from making this week the best one yet.

Creeping worries occupying your mind mean the last thing we might do is stick to our good habits or planning this week.

You’d rather bowl into Monday on the attack and in reactive mode ready for what comes at you.

But if we guard our mind and where it’s heading we have a much higher chance of staying on track.

This week’s issue is a proven scientific approach to winning the week 👌 

So lets dig in 😉 

10 Minute Happiness Hack

Joe recently signed up to a coffee subscription. I love a subscription. If I can get it on repeat order I’m doing it.

Dog food, supplements, hair dye, the weekly shop, puppy pads. I’ve even got cleaning products on subscription. It was probably unnecessary 😅 but if it saves me having to remember something or travel out to buy it then I’m all in.

Anyway, back to Joes coffee machine. ☕️ 

Its a Rocket espresso machine and to be honest you need to be barista trained to use it. 🤯 

Before I can get a cup of the good stuff we’re grinding beans, weighing out exactly the right amount, waiting for the machine to warm up. It’s a lot.

I’m no longer just waiting for the kettle to boil and adding the Douwe Egberts.

But what it does give me is 10 minutes that I’m using to make sure that no matter what is going on in life I keep my mindset in the right place.

Not by watching the beans grind but by gratitude journalling.

Apparently only 8% of the population gratitude journal. So I know lots of you reading this won’t have tried it so just bare with me for one minute.

Journalling might sound woo woo ✨ but it’s scientifically proven.

It’s proven to reduce anxiety, stress, hostility and change your perception on the level of stress and worry in your life.

Here’s the simple steps:

  • Find ten minutes

  • Grab a notebook (I love stationery so this is an excuse to buy a new one!! Moleskine or Hello Kitty being a particular fave) or start a new Apple note 📱 

  • Write out 5 things every day that you’re grateful for. If you’re struggling one day it can be as simple as a sunny day, a meal you enjoyed, a smile from someone, waking up this morning and getting to see today

  • Write them out and give yourself a moment to properly think about them

Day by day it helps you to learn to feel happier thinking about simple things. Spending time to feel grateful makes all of the stress and worries in your life seem much less important or at the very least overwhelming.

I’m talking to you guys about one ten minute block per day.

Just one of them. 😄 

Assuming we are awake for 16 hours across our 24 hour day then we have 100 of these 10 minute blocks.

Theres no excuse not to try it for the next 7 days

Please give it a try.

Thinking of all the good stuff in your life, of being alive, of having a chance to be here 🌎️ it protects your mind and gives you an endorphin boost.

It makes you want to do the things that make you feel happy, healthy and Win The Week.

A Guide to Planning the Perfect Week

I caught up with Greg Wilkes last month on his Develop Coaching podcast - He’s an expert coach to founders of construction businesses and helps them to grow from £1m to £5m.

But we know that to grow from £1m to £5m one of the biggest influences on that is how you spend your time and what you do with it.

We covered how to protect your time to achieve your goals, what to delegate and how to identify your most important work.

You can give it a listen here 😄 ⬇️ 

Coaching Offer 💫 

If you work with a PA and you know that they have potential BUT working together feels a little more painful than you think it should….

I’m just putting the finishing touches on my CEO/EA Fast track course and coaching designed to make working with your assistant the super charge to your productivity it should be.

There are 10 places in the first group and if you’d like to be added to the waitlist with a special Win the Week discount, reply Fast Track and I’ll add you to the waitlist. 🙂

Happy Sunday

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Because we only get one chance at this week and it can be a good one ⌛️ 



P.S. I have a couple of spots available to work together 1 to 1 - and if working on getting more of the right stuff done is what you need right now you can book an application call here: Book Call

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

P.P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄