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  • Why I hung out with strangers this week 🫢

Why I hung out with strangers this week 🫢

and got more done...

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • How a group of strangers on the internet helped me do more of the important stuff 🫢 


‘Know Thyself’ 💭 

Socrates hit the nail on the head with this one.

An essential part of knowing yourself is first recognising the limits of your own wisdom. 

Knowing what you have yet to learn.

I know for example, that I have got what it takes to be the QUEEN of PROCRASTINATORS 👑 

I have to minimise everything in my environment which enables me to be a world class expert at putting things off.

Well this week I joined a group who all had one goal in mind.

Working on one task and getting it done together.

So…if you have any trouble keeping yourself accountable on getting proper shit done.

It’ll help you too.

Lets dig in 😉 

My new club 👪️ 

Last Monday I discovered a new club.

My super smart friend Joy introduced me to it.

I’ll be honest I was EXTREMELY dubious at first.

She told me how she rocks up to an online zoom style meeting where everyone sits together and gets stuff done.

My inital reaction was ‘ehhhh’? Whats the difference to just sitting down and doing the work?’

Why get on a zoom with strangers? Sounds weird in my opinion 😅 


Joy went on to tell me that it absolutely worked for her and in the first hour of Flow Club she’d gotten a proposal done that she had been procrastinating on for a while.

I made a note of this piece of advice and thought no more about it. (Sorry Joy 😅 )

I am way too productive to need any help. Right? 😆 


Fast forward to this week and I was having an off one. A week where you’re not getting much done and I felt frustrated.

I remembered my chat with Joy and thought I need help - why not.

It couldn’t be any less productive than how I was feeling this week anyway. 😅 


OMG 🤯 

I am hooked!

Flow Club is a ‘body doubling’ session for maximum accountabilty and getting stuff done.

According to the research it is super effective for people with ADHD. Well, I’m pretty sure I dont have ADHD and it was super effective for me too.

What’s body doubling I hear you ask?

‘Body doubling is the method of having another person in the room with you while you attempt to accomplish a task. The idea behind its effectiveness is that having a person nearby while you do a task can help increase your motivation while being perceived.'

Here’s what happens:

You pick a time that works for you from all of the session on the timetable.

You enter a virtual flow club room (a bit like Zoom) where you see all of the other peeps who are ready to get some stuff done for the next 60-90 minutes.

For the 5 minutes - one by one, each person tells the rest of the group quickly what they’re working on for the next hour.

Theirs a group host who’ll then play some lo-fi beats or something else suitably productive and everyone gets to work.

All on line together.

And my god I can’t tell you how much the accountability worked for me.

I went on with a plan to get one thing done which was create a new free download for my website and by the end of the session I had gotten it done. It had been on my list for the past 3 months.

At the end of the session - everyone does a 30 second round up on whether they had gotten their task done or not - and the accountability for me worked a trick.

Some of the people on my session had already done two flow clubs back to back to get a big project finished!

If you are one of those people that sits down to work on a project and finds yourself:

checking your phone, opening new tabs, checking your emails…

Give Flow club a try here - it might just be the answer to getting amazing stuff done 😍 

You can see my first flow club group here 😁 :

Would you love to end this Friday with an actual list of key things you got done?

Do your Sunday planning session now:

  1. What 3 things will you get done by next Friday?

  2. Have you planned in the focus time to get them done? 
    (if not try Flow Club 👉️ Flow Club)

  3. Are you looking forward to this week?
    Are there changes you can make now to free up blocks of time or remove meetings that aren’t a priotity?

  4. What can you schedule in now to make sure you have time for the things you enjoy?

Remember this week should be productive but most of all I want you to enjoy it!

Take 10 minutes now to make it a week you look forward to 😍 

Happy Sunday lovely - I hope this helped.

Much love… go win the week 🚀 



P.S. If there’s anything you’d like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe