No progress?

remember this

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

824 words / 3 mins reading time

“Some quit due to slow progress.

Never grasping the fact that slow progress is progress.”

Jeff Olson


Do you ever have those weeks where you feel like you’re not making any progress?

Another week has flown by and you don’t feel any closer to your goals.

Busy activity, ticking off lots of things but not feeling like big shifts?

I have them too.

Less and less as I get sharper at planning my time, offloading tasks I don’t enjoy and winning the week but when I do, one of my go to pick me ups is watching something motivational.

A documentary, a film, an interview.

Something that reminds me that our journeys are marathons not sprints and to enjoy the process.

It’s the planning and execution of 52 great weeks that make your goals happen.

And this weekend I watched one of my favourite motivational films for the fifth or sixth time.

The Founder.

The story of Ray Kroc.

A struggling salesman who becomes driven to change the way hamburgers are made and sold and turn McDonalds into the biggest restaurant business in the world.

And there is a scene 20 minutes in which I love for motivating me on those less productive weeks.

So lets dig in 😉 

Perfecting and improving every week 💪 

If you haven’t watched it - and I really recommend you do! Then the quick summary is….

The Founder is about Ray Kroc meeting the McDonalds brothers at their restaurant in San Bernardino and discovering how they revamped their burger restaurant.

They invented the ‘Speedee system’ which meant burgers we’re cooked ahead of time so customers could get their food quickly, they streamlined the menu and included a self service counter (rather than a drive thru)

It meant the products were consistent, they could serve more customers quickly on their most profitable products and they could sell them cheaper.

Ray Kroc is blown away by the restaurant and meets with the brothers to understand how they’ve created such an efficient operation.

Dick and Mac McDonald tell Ray about the years of refining the systems within the business and testing and improving each time.

Eventually leading to the Speedee System and a busy flourishing profitable restaurant.

Mac McDonald says to Ray…

‘We we’re an overnight success 30 years in the making.’

And I love it.

While their brand new burger stand was an instant hit, it was forged on the trials and failures of their previous 30 years in business.

Hard work.

Repeatedly getting up and going again.

Learning from your mistakes.

All of these things ensure that you have the knowledge, experience and stamina to create your own overnight sensation.

It is the perfect reminder for me that progress loves consistency.

So on those weeks where it didn’t feel like a win.

We re-group, look ahead at the next week and plan for a good one.

One less productive week out of 52 doesnt have an impact.

It’s the consistency of moving forwards, getting up and going again.

So the next time you have an off week and feel like you’re getting nowhere remember Dick and Mac McDonald 🍔 😁 

I have a feeling I might be planning this week alongside a Big Mac and fries 😅 

Todays reminder before you lurch into Monday:
  1. Review your calendar for the week ahead.
    Time is the true currency - ensure you’re allocating it to activities that move you closer to your goals.

  2. Write out your top 3-5 high leverage priorities for the week.
    What are the things you must achieve? Refer back to this daily.

  3. Get at least one activity planned in this week that leaves you feeling mentally restored. Whether its alone time, reading a book or your favourite sport - something that you love that refills your cup.

Happy Sunday lovely

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Make it a week you’re excited for.

I’m excited for you.



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P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: 

P.P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄