It's normal

for things to be hard

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

1042 words / 3 mins 30 reading time

Everything is hard, but you choose your hard. You choose whats worth it. You don’t choose whether or not you’ll suffer, but you do choose what you want to suffer for’

Brianna West - 101 Essays that will Change the Way you Think


Life is hard.


It’s normal.

I know it sounds flippant to say.

But it’s true.

And when we realise it’s normal it gets easier. (I promise)

This weeks Win The Week is dedicated to everyone who’s recent week felt like a ‘tricky one’

So lets dig in 😉 

Embrace Hard 🤔 

When you’re in the thick of it.

Chasing your goals.

Dreaming big.

And things don’t go to plan.

Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one.

And feeling like it’s ‘just you’ leads to discouragement.

But the fact is that when you decide to chase goals down.

When you strive for more.

Then quite frankly - it’s meant to be hard.


  • Most people you try to sell to say no - that’s normal

  • If you have team members and people leave - that’s normal

  • If people aren’t paying you on time - that’s normal

  • Training for a marathon and feel like you’re legs are about to break? - that’s normal (I can strongly vouch for this one 😅 )

But the thing is.

Everyone else trying to make sales, lead a team or train for a marathon is feeling the same as you.

So if you had what I like to term ‘a tricky week’ have empathy with yourself that you are not the only one.

No matter what you see on Instagram or the emails you read - everyone else is feeling it too.

It’s hard to believe it sometimes because everyone you meet is putting on a ‘best show’ or just showing the life ‘highlights’

But telling ourselves a story that its only us leads to discouragement. 

Like we’re just not doing it right or doing enough.

And forgetting the reason that things are hard because WE CHOSE IT

We chose to do more. 

We chose to achieve more and so it’s hard.

Them are the rules.

And in my personal experience when you tell yourself it shouldn’t be hard.

Well quite frankly - it gets harder.

Because you want to do less. You think it’s hard because you’re doing a bad job.

And it’s just not the case.

It’s not SO hard, it’s normal.

As Brendon Burchard would say - ‘Honour the struggle’

But when you’re in the thick of a tricky week - reminding ourselves it isnt just us is low down on the list.

I get that.

Thats why having a plan to Win the Week is really important so that we don’t just tell ourselves it’s constantly hard and nothing else.

Having a plan to Win the Week 📔 

Treat yourself this week to my WTW plan - spend 10 minutes to make it the best week yet and keep your mindset focussed on the wins:

P - Plan - What are the top 3 things I want to get done this week by Friday?

The 3 things that will move the needle - in your business, you career, get you more customers, get you more time! Move you towards doing more of what you love. What are those 3 things? Write them down

Visualise how it will feel on Friday when they’re completed 😍 

A - Announce to your PA, team or partner what your top 3 things are so they know what is important to you and not to interrupt your focus time and also maybe they can help you?

We often don’t ask enough for help - let this be the week you do.

A - Ahead - Look ahead to whats already in your calendar this week - what do you need to - re-schedule, prep for, push back so that you have more time back?

Doing a calendar clear out on a Sunday is one of my favourite things.

Is there anything you don’t really need to be a part of and you can get that time back?

F - Focus time - Now we plan in that juicy focus time where we dedicate to getting the top 3 done. Whether you have 90 minutes per day, 1 hour twice a week or you block out each morning.

There is no one size fits all, whatever works for you - you must plan at least some time in where you:

  • Put your phone on DND

  • Don’t check your emails

  • Just concentrate on your top 3

Get that blocked out this week NOW! Even if its just one hour this week and two hours the next, three the week after.

Do it, follow the above and start to see the progress you make.

F - Fun - make sure there is something planned in this week that you enjoy and can get excited about.

Whether its a workout, some time to yourself or a date night. The feeling of a planned productive week PLUS time for you is 💯 

Bonus Points: 💥 

If you really want to smash this week with a strong mindset…

Finish each day by writing down 3 wins that have happened that day.

Even if it feels like there haven’t been any!

They can be small or big wins.

Look for them, write them down and end the day knowing you’re making progress.

Let’s win the week together—one small step at a time 😁 

Happy Sunday lovely

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

It’s meant to be hard


You got this.



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P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄