Why work/life balance is a lie

and try this instead...

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

1160 words / 4 mins, 30 sec reading time

  • The Work/Life Balance lie

  • Lessons from 7 and 8 figure founders 🤓 


“The key to balancing work and life is finding something that you love to do, and making it work for you." - Marissa Mayer

I’ve failed at work/life balance more times than I care to count.

Balancing all of the…

People I should be seeing, replying to, projects I should be moving forwards, keeping fit, not working more than 8 hours a day and the list goes on

The word balance has given me lots of guilt.

So I stopped focussing on it.

*Quick Oxford dictionary definition for us…*

‘the division of one’s time and focus between working and family or leisure activities’

It assumes that we need a break from ‘work’ to live a happy life.

A division.

Because work is considered hard and life is the downtime

But what if work isn’t something you need a break from?

What if I focussed on

‘Work - life integration’


If you’re trying to achieve balance - I think you’ll be continually stressed, disappointed or disappointing someone else. 😑 

If I’m looking for integration it means I’m blending both together.

In harmony.

Doing things I love.

Which I don’t know about you…but I love the sound of.

This week I spoke to 4 entrepreneurs I admire most in Manchester about this very topic.

It was refreshing and it LIT ME UP

So lets dig in 😉 

Lessons from 7 & 8 figure founders 📖 

Last week was a big one for me.

On Friday I recorded my first batch of interviews for my new podcast Focus on the Fun Stuff 💥 

I’ve been creating video content for years with Mi TV - just me to camera but for so long now I’ve had a dream of starting my own podcast and interviewing entrepreneurs who I know will bring so much value to my audience

And on Friday - I started! 🥰 

I’ve got 4 unbelievable guests to kick off with - I may possibly have caused myself a problem setting the bar too high 😅 

But it is indeed a good problem to have…

My podcast is aimed at helping business owners to enjoy the journey and of course…Win the Week.

So many of us don’t.

We get stuck in the weeds.

We think that only we have got the problem we’re dealing with right now (when actually millions of other business owners have dealt with it too)

We get bogged down in doing

We get anxiety at making payroll

We forget why we started in the first place

We think it’s meant to be hard all of the time.

And while running a business is a challenging journey - I believe it should be an enjoyable one….most of the time.

And how we get to make it enjoyable is a question quite frankly, I’m obsessed with.

Each of my guests had so much to give on this topic and so I thought I would pull out 4 quick but BIG learnings from each of their interviews to help you to Win This Week:

  • Lesson 1: Guest: Vikas Shah

    Every person you meet will have some kind of unexpected issue or problem they’re dealing with that you’d never know about.
    Because we’re prgorammed to say ‘oh yeh I’m fine!’

    Vikas dealt with 10 years of constant anxiety running his business that eventually led to suicidal ideation and that changed when he finally got proper support alongside his role as a CEO.

    ‘Talking to your peers is helpful - but we should normalise getting ‘proper’ help from a therapist or counsellor’
    Having a person in your life that is trained who you can offload too without fear of judgement or bias and keeps your mindset focussed on winning the week.

  • Lesson 2: Guest: Justin Blackhurst

    Working lots of hours when you’re enjoying the journey is an unlock lots of business owners struggle to find.
    But when you craft a team around you who have the skillsets you don’t - so that you can focus on your unique abilities (the things you’re best at and love) well that is how you win the week 🔥 

  • Lesson 3: Guest: Adrian Hancock

    Adrian spent the first 5 years of his first business picking up different parts of his teams roles which led to him working 80 + hour weeks becuase they just weren’t accountable.
    He found a mentor who challenged him to leave his business for a month.
    He did and quickly realised his team weren’t accountable to any outcomes and they leaned on him rather than the other way around!

    Working on replacing the team members who didn’t want to step up and crafting clear outcomes for each role and systems he now works only 5 hours a week on his business! Spending the rest of his time working on projects, starting new businesses and helping clients. The stuff that he loves ❤️ 

  • Lesson 4: Guest: Dawn McGruer

    Dawn plans every single week to include days that fill her soul with joy. She includes ‘Wellness Wednesday’ every week to make sure she shows up for herself so that she serves her clients as the best version of herself.
    She also combines all of the things that she loves like travel, food and adventure when working with her clients.
    No-one does their best work, burnt-out and wishing for the weekend.

I hope these learnings trigger some proper thinking time for you this week. 🤔 

Are you enjoying the weeks?

If not what small changes or plans can you start to make this week?

PS Podcast launch date announced very soon.  
I know you are going to love learning from my guests as much as I did 🥰 

Would you love your PA to go from Good to Great? 👩‍💻 

Are you frustrated with your current assistant?

I've created a framework where I'm working with a handful of people, one on one, to help their Executive Assistant, VA or PA go from Good to Great and support you better than ever.

If you’d like to be added to the waitlist just reply Fast Track and I’ll add you! 🙂

Happy Sunday team

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Make it a week you enjoy - why would we do anything else?



P.S. I have a couple of spots available to work together 1 to 1.
If getting accountability and clarity on how to get more of the impactful stuff done
Creating a week you love is what you need right now you can book an application call here: Book Call

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

P.P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄