Why I started

obsessing about winning the week

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

897 words / 3 mins reading time

A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door



UK Friends! I hope you had a super re-charging Bank Holiday weekend!

And we know what August Bank Holiday means right?

The last Bank Holiday before Xmas 🎄 

Which means 18 weeks left in 2024

And whatever goals you had back in January there is still so much time to make things happen.

Because we have 18 weeks we can win.

And put OUR ALL into.

So lets dig in 😉 

Why I started 🤔 

Exactly this time last year I was basking in the highs of completing my first fitness photoshoot.

If you’ve been in my world at all over the past 12 months I’m sure you will have heard me mention it.

It was so far our of my comfort zone I shocked myself how weird and exciting it felt to complete.

I don’t often feel that there are many things out of my comfort zone but this was one of them.

I digress.

I started the programme back in Sept 2022 but it was solely the 4 months leading up to photo shoot day which led me to starting this email.

You see, the 10kg I eventually lost wasn’t done over the 10 months since I’d joined.

It was done in a very consistent 12 week period that led up to my deadline of photo day.

And the lesson wasn’t lost on me that I’d done more in 4 months than the previous 6.

It was all down to:

  • Daily consistency of my steps, cals and workouts

  • Weekly check in to make sure I’d hit the daily and weekly targets

And quite honestly once I tuned into just focusing on the day ahead so that I could tick off a great week of hitting my goals the rest took care of itself.

I lost my weight goal and I enjoyed a good day.

Feeling like I was achieving daily.

I’d never so clearly and intensely experienced solely focussing on my weekly habits and activities to achieve a much bigger goal.

And since I did - I was hooked.

On breaking down my goals and projects into the weekly small wins.

It makes it easy to understand whats needed.

It gives you confidence that its super achieveable.

And it isn’t overwhelming in the slightest.

So thats why I started my weekly email - Win The Week.

To support you to take small steps each week towards big goals.

And if you’re thinking but actually Emma - how do I implement this?…..

What does winning the week look like?

  1. Let’s say you want to save £3,000 by the end of the year.

    Sounds like a big number, right? But when you break it down, that’s £166 a week, or just £23 a day.

    Suddenly, it feels a lot more doable! Maybe that’s skipping a couple of takeout meals, cutting back on small indulgences, or finding a side hustle that brings in a little extra cash.

  2. Perhaps you’re aiming to bring in 5 new customers before the year is out.

    That’s one new customer every 3.5 weeks.

    What could you do this week to get closer to that?

    Maybe it’s setting a target of sending some 5 extra emails each week?
    Following up with leads twice as much as you do?
    Contacting ex-clients or people you’ve fallen out of touch with for a coffee meet and getting one in the diary every week?
    Or maybe booking a networking event each month and expanding your circle?

  3. And if your goal is fitness-related……
    Maybe losing a stone by the end of the year?
    Well that’s just 350 grams to lose a week.
    It is so incredibly achievable with small, consistent changes in your week.
    Some extra steps, some better choices.
    Instead of focusing on the whole stone, you just need to think about that 350 grams each week.

The key is to break your goal down, stay consistent, and keep your eye on the daily targets without getting overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.

So, what’s your big goal for the rest of the year?

And what small steps can you start taking this week to get there?

Remember, you don’t have to make giant leaps; it’s the little steps that lead to the biggest changes.

Let’s win the week together—one small step at a time 😁 

Happy Sunday lovely

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Make it a week you’re excited for.

Enjoying the journey is as important as the big lofty goals.

You got this.



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P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄