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Struggling to get excited about this week? 🤔

Lets get your vision and clarity back on track

Achieve the life you want by Winning the Week

739 words / 2 mins 10 reading time


I was talking to a client last week about losing enthusiasm for their business.

Have you ever felt it?

Where waking up on a Monday morning feels like more of a slog than it should?

You look ahead at your diary and the things in it seem to be more of a chore than an opportunity?

Spending time with your team is less appealing than it once was?

He was feeling the same and we soon figured out why

So lets dig in. 🙂 

The greatest leaders mobilise others by coalescing people around a shared vision

Ken Blanchard

We figured out that whilst he’d had his business for a long time and had made ‘umpteen number of plans along the way.

He was currently without any kind of plan or vision that got him excited.

A series of difficult times in the business recently had got him so stuck in the weeds that he’d forgotten to make sure he had a vision that excited him.

That made him feel alive.

That reminded him in difficult times that great stuff is possible.

In and amongst dealing with problems and leading his team he’d lost sight of where they we’re going.

He’d always had a yearly plan and being off course from that had completely thrown him.

And even though he was disillusioned with where he was going he thought to himself that his team we’re fine cracking on with the day to day.

He was wrong.

It turned out that as he didn’t know where the business was going next - of course his team didn’t know either.

Which got them confused, de-motivated and unsure of what decisions they could make because they weren’t actually sure what the next goal was or where they we’re moving to.

Strategically they we’re a bit lost.

As the lightbulb moment came that they we’re without a plan.

He spent his Sunday creating a one pager.

Of what he would love the next 12 months to look like.

For his business in terms of:

  • financials for the business

  • customers

  • team (adding in new roles that leveraged his time)

  • services (would they improve or add new ones?)

  • The Vision and Mission for the next 12 months

He made himself have no limits on his thinking on what was possible.

He kept it simple on an A4 page.

And brought it to his team the following week.

As a foundation page that he and his team could discuss, add to and get him and his team excited about again.

They’d forgotten to be excited about what was possible.

And as soon as they we’re he found his energy and mojo came back.

Especially in the difficult times.

It made it easier.

So if this week is feeling like a slog before it’s started.

Have you forgotten to dream about whats possible?

Have you got a vision for the next 12 months youve shared with your team or closest family/friends?

Something that keeps you grounded and motivated when times are more challenging?

Something to think about on a Sunday x

Focus on The Fun Stuff This Week…

If all the pressure in your business is on your shoulders, and you’re not sure the cogs would keep turning without you, the latest episode of Focus on the Fun Stuff with Adrian Hancock is the one for you 🌟 

Adrian went to Thailand for a month to discover what happened when he left his team to it for a month!

In Adrian’s episode, you’ll discover:

· Why there’s no room for ego if you really want to grow your business

· How to build up buy-in and trust in your team so that your business becomes truly robust

· And who you ought to be sharing your journey with, if you want to see real progress

Have a listen and let me know whether any of Adrian’s stresses sounded familiar? They certainly did to me!

Go Win The Week

I’m cheering you on



P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

P.P.S Thank you for reading - your attention means more to me than you know 😄 

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