Would you take the million?

I wouldn't

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • Inspiration from Jim Rohn 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

  • A story on being offered a £ million 💸 


‘You are the average of the five people you hang around with most’

Wise words from the legend that is Jim Rohn.

Wise and absolutely true words.

And I experienced it this weekend.

So lets dig in 😉 

Would you take the million? 💰️ 

I’ve had a really special last couple of days exploring Porto in Portugal with friends. 🇵🇹 

Porto is the home of all things port, cheese, sardines and the most delicious Alvarinho whites 🤌 🍷 

We arranged a sunset boat trip for the Friday night (who doesn’t love a boat day) and the 6 of us watched the sun go down while we chatted about all the usual stuff, life and our plans for the rest of the year.

*Us below with homemade vinho verde 🍷(made by the skippers dad!) 👇️ 

In the middle of a conversation about our upcoming plans, Joe posed us with this question:

‘If somebody said to you that you could have a million pounds now BUT the next time you went to sleep, you wouldn’t wake up again, would you take it?

Obviously nobody would.

So why do people spend their time like it’s infinite? Because it’s clearly worth much much more that accepting a million now’

A question I also realised wouldn’t come up with everyone I hang around with - thanks Jim 😅 

It was a bit of a conversation stopper. One that makes you think.

We can all be guilty of not taking this seriously.

Not doing the thing you really want to do.

Not enjoying the moment right now.

Spending time with people you don’t really want to

Doing tasks you don’t enjoy.

If we we’re really conscious each morning about how precious our time is - so many of us would spend it differently.

And I want to help change that.

Most of us act and do out of habit. Like we’re going to live forever.

If you made your prime focus enjoying each day and week like it’s finite and won’t last forever - what impact would that have?

How would you plan your days differently? Where would your focus be?

It’s the kind of question I think everyone should properly take time to think about. Asking the right questions will have the biggest changes in the quality of your weeks and making them meaningful.

So today - just take ten minutes to think about it as you plan and head into Monday.

What if this week was the one where each day you ended it having gotten great stuff done and enjoyed your efforts? 😘 

Free Stuff! 🆓 

If you’d like help crafting a week you love I’ve created a win the week guide which helps you to create the framework for your perfect week and hand it to your PA, VA or team to support you with managing your diary - you can grab a copy here! ➡️ Win the Week guide

Stats you should know to win the week 📈 

  • It can take people up to 23 minutes and 15 seconds to fully recover after an interruption 

  • Full inboxes waste 27 minutes per day - that’s could be an afternoon walk or an extra sales call.

  • Hiring full-time virtual assistants can save an employer up to 78% in operating costs per year

I want you to finish this Friday knowing you got your top 3 tasks done 🚀 

Do your Sunday planning session now:

  1. What 3 things will you get done by next Friday?

  2. Have you planned in the focus time to get them done? 

  3. Are you looking forward to this week?

  4. Are there changes you can make now to free up blocks of time or remove meetings that aren’t a priotity?

  5. What can you schedule in now to make sure you have time for the things you enjoy?

Remember this week should be productive but most of all I want you to enjoy it!

Take 10 minutes now to make it a week you look forward to 😍 

Happy Sunday

Much love… go win the week 🚀 

Because time is precious ⌛️ 



P.S. If there’s anything you’d like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe