Thriving in Uncertain Times

Your Actions Lead to Your Outcomes

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • The million dollar question 💵 

  • A read for Tough Times

  • Close all those Tabs


Can we agree on one thing before we get started on how we’re going to win this week?

That Actions Lead to Outcomes

Exercise Daily > Increase Fitness

Invest Regularly > Increase Wealth

Read Consistently > Increase Knowledge

Feels pretty simple written like that right?

But the implications are profound.

Have you ever stopped to think where your daily actions are taking you? Maybe this weekend in a moment of down time?

If you make a quick mental list of your daily activities. If you follow these like stepping stones, do they lead to the life you really want?

For many of us, in truth, they don’t.


Because it’s so easy to get lost in the distraction and tasks. We all easily get dragged into things that don’t serve us every day.

If we’re not careful we drift through the year completely forgetting all of the plans and goals we had back on 1st Janaury.

Thats why we need to stop drifting, take back control and Win the Week.

So lets dig in 😉 

The Million Dollar Question 💵 

What tasks do I focus on?

So much to do - getting really granular can be difficult.

In last weeks I went through how you work out your hourly rate. The crucial number. 💰️ 

So you know exactly how much revenue you should be earning every hour to hit your goal.

Most of get busy in things that dont earn us what we want.

But until you see it in front of your eyes you never know.

Thats why the next step after working out your hourly rate - is to get crystal clear on where you’re spending your time.

Because the truth is most of us lie to ourselves.

That we’re really busy.

That no one else can do what we do.

That I have to answer that email because no one will ever do it like me.

Until you take a hard look at where you spend your time the cycle continues.

Busyness > goals not achieved > overwhelm > running each year the same as the last

Thats why I recommend to all of our clients that they audit their time. Whether its for a couple of days or a couple of weeks. Even a couple of days can start to open the lid on the value of the tasks you’re ticking off.

If you haven’t audited your time before in any detail, I created our Productivity Planner which you can download here or I can send you a lovely one to have on your desk here:

Request Planner 🗒️ 

It’s really simple to start - record what you do hour to hour over two to three (minimum) working days and its gives the starting point of what you can get rid of, handoff to someone else or claim back your time.

Do it on 2 or 3 typical working so that it gives a real sense of how you spend your time.

Whatever your hourly rate is (that calculation is here as a reminder if you dont know it) it will start to become blindingly obvious why you might not be earning what you really want.

In next weeks issue we’ll look at what we do with all of this juicy info we now have on where your time is spent to get you to where you want to be ⏭️ 

A Read for Tough Times

I love a book recommendation. 📚️ 

Audible or paperback? I dont mind! Adding to my ‘books to read list’ - which is longer than my read list 😅 , as my bedside table will attest to, gives me a buzz.

Fun fact, the Japanese word Tsundoku actually means the phenomenon that is acquiring books and letting them pile up!

I am a Tsundoku expert. 🥸 

I have a REALLY good one though. One you should be packing in the suitcase this summer if you’re a business owner or looking for more ways to make an impact in your job.

The book is a collection of business that will enable anyone to identify all of the overlooked good stuff, resources and opportunities in your business that hasn’t been optimised yet.

It’s not about brand new marketing strategies, learning facebook ads or getting up to the speed with the latest tech.

It’s about the tweaks you can make that make massive shifts forwards like rhythmic referral schemes, rhythm of customer spend, increasing a customers average spend, re-connecting with past colleagues and clients, sales letters and direct mail.

It’s full of all the things that just need some of your proper planned in focus time and attention to make them happen.

Not extra spend or new software.

Just £14 to buy the book.

Close All the Tabs 💻️ 

After a book, my second favourite recommendation is a software one and if you suffer with that problem of 52 browser tabs open at any one time… 💻️ 

I have a nice simple one for you that I use most days..

(my third favourite if you were wondering is a true crime series but thats not for this newsletter 😅 )

If you find that you open lots of new tabs in your web browser, you think ‘oh I’ll keep that open for later’ (later never comes) and descend into lots of half finished things - then you just might love Momentum Dash

It changes that ‘new tab’ into a focussed and productive inspiring dashboard!

When you open a new tab it asks you what your goal for that day is:

and then…!

  • You can stash all of your open tabs - so you get just the one you are working on but its stashes everything you had open into a little file where you can find and restore them if you really need them! (we didn’t 😅 )

  • You can use it as a focus driver to work on your main goal thing for 45 minutes… see in the pic below that now the tab has turned into a focus dashboard reminding me I need to write win the week for the next 45 minutes!

  • and it has hoovered up all of my tabs into safe keeping so that I only focus on the one thing!


It’s a really simple web browser extension that reminds you to stay focussed on one thing and declutters visually what you’re looking at and I think you’ll love it!

There is a free version and Momentum Plus for $4 a month which lets you use the Focus timer - which is worth more like $400 a month if it helps keep you hyper focussed for one hour a day! 🤯 

Do your PAAFF planning today 📔 :

  • Plan - What are the top 3 things you must get done by this Friday?

  • Announce - Share with those who support you what you need to get done.

  • Ahead - Look ahead to this week - is it overscheduled? does it fill you with joy looking ahead? If not what can you do about it now?

  • Focus Time - your 60/90 minutes of scheduled focus time should be in your diary now. Guarded time where you remove all distractions and work on your most important projects to move them forwards

  • Fun - Enjoying the week is as important as using it productively. Have you got time for things you enjoy scheduled in this week?

Remember - you have 168 enjoyable, productive HOURS coming your way this week - take 10 minutes to make them your best yet.

That’s it for this Bank Holiday Sunday.

If we win the week 52 times a year you achieve your goals ✨ 

Much love… go win the week

I’m always cheering you on.



P.S. If there’s anything you’ like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: 

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