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Are you where you want to be halfway through 2024?

Why Monday morning is sabotaging your business

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Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • Why checking your email in the morning will sabotage your business 😲 

  • Get rhthym to your week and hit your goals 👍️ 


Ok it’s June already - like ehhh - how did we get here?

We are officially halfway through the year and I would love to ask you the question today.

Everything you planned and dreamed of at the beginning of the year..

Where are you up to?

How’s it going?

Are you on track?

If you aren’t quite where you want to be, keep reading.

We often overestimate what we can get done in one day.

(You know those over the top To do lists you write out where you feel deflated at the end of the day even though the whole list was impossible anyway??)

But we always UNDERESTIMATE what we can get done in 6 months or a year. With some proper planning - it’s a heck of a lot!

Today I’m sharing with you my exact flow of how I plan to make sure each week is super productive

So lets dig in 😉 

Checking your email first thing on Monday morning sabotages your dreams 💔 

The key to unlocking my productivity was getting a rhythm that suited me of what to do and when in my week.

As you read on, you’ll know if certain kinds of tasks will suit you on better days but my encouragement is to get uniformity to what you focus on throughout the week. Maximise each day on a certain kind of task or thinking.

So grab a piece of paper decide how you’ll structure your week and add the blocks into your calendar.

  • Monday - Team Day 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

    This one is pretty self explanatory. I use the first hours of the day up to 11am to work on the business and then from 11am onwards I have all of my internal team meetings for our department leaders at Mi PA.

    They’re scheduled quite tightly together so that we must stick to times and priorities

    Effective communication and goal setting is so important across the team - so for me planning and meeting with my leadership team on a Monday means we know exactly what the key priorities are for the rest of the week.

    I always leave a Monday feeling clear on where we’re at and what my team are working on and I can move into the rest of the week!

    ❌ Tasks you don’t do on Monday

    Emails - these are generally someone elses priorities. Look at/answer them after lunch time (or super hack - get someone else to manage them for you). Make sure you got the most important things done first.

  • Wednesdays & Fridays (Focus Time)

    These are my focus days where I channel all of my energies into moving forwards on my goals for me and the business.

    During these days I highly recommend that you minimise your distractions and don’t get dragged into other tasks that make you feel busy but you know deep down wasn’t the best use of your time!

    I also use Friday to schedule in time to

    review the week

    make sure Ive completed my top 3 things for the week

    made a big ask (the more asks you make the more yes’s you’ll get!)

    Tasks you don’t do on these days ❌ 

  • Meetings

  • Answer notifications, messages and emails. To do your very best work close all of the tabs and treat you and your phone to DND for a couple of hours at a time.

  • Lots of different tasks! Pick one kind of task so that you can stay creative and in the flow. For example on a social media and marketing day it doesnt make sense to start looking at finances and spreadsheets too! Go all in on one kind of task

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays (Clients, external meetings and phone calls)

    On these days, in the mornings up to 11am I have for focus time.

    After 11am my PA, Bex, knows that she can book in any external meetings, podcasts, opportunities, phone calls that are on our list.

Of course some weeks other things crop up like a mastermind meeting, filming day or event and so we shuffle the week around to suit.

This is the flow that works for me, my personality type, brain and team. There will be a perfect rhythm for you and I hope you use it as encouragement to create you’re own flow in the week of focus time.

If you have any questions on how you’re planning out your week - hit reply I’m here to help!

If you continue with a calendar where everything is everywhere - it’s a sure fire way to be a re-active people pleaser and not working on those goals you planned back in January. 😄 

Leadership Tip: If you frequently find yourself overwhelmed with a backlog of tasks by the end of the week, dedicate an hour to identify the root causes and brainstorm solutions.

If the backlog is a persistent issue, consider these options: hiring additional team members, replacing underperforming team members, reducing your product offerings, implementing new backend systems, optimizing your sales funnels, or focusing on doing fewer things but doing them better. 😄 

Maintaining a consistent rhythm is vital for productivity and success. However, it's also important to adopt an agile mindset and be ready to adjust your rhythm as needed. ✨ 

Key Sunday Thoughts 💭 :

  • Do you know what the 3 main things are you will get done by next Friday?

  • Have you planned in the non negotiable time to get them done? 

  • Are you looking forward to this week? Or are there changes you can make now to free up blocks of time or remove meetings that aren’t a priotity?

  • What can you schedule in now to make sure you have time for the things you enjoy?

Remember this week should be productive but FUN.

Take 10 minutes now to make it a week you look forward to 😍 

These stories are presented thanks to beehiiv, an all-in-one newsletter suite built by the early Morning Brew team.

Fully equipped with built-in growth and monetization tools, no code website and newsletter builder, and best-in-class analytics that actually move the needle.

The top newsletters in the world are built on beehiiv, and yours can be too. It's the most affordable option in the market, and you can try it for free — no credit card required.

Happy Sunday lovely - I hope this helped.

Much love… go win the week 🚀 



P.S. If there’s anything you’ like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m here to help you 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

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