How to Win This Week

Achieve everything you want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • Why you’re not winning the week 🫠 

  • Don't keep plans a Mystery 🫵 

  • The only framework you need to make progress this week (and I’m giving it to you for freeeeee)


This is the first edition of my first newsletter and I’m excited! Why? Because I’ve never created something so focussed on helping us to get ahead on our goals, be pro-active and most importantly actually enjoy this upcoming week and feel productive at the end of it.

Because thats what we all want right?

To finish Friday feeling like - ‘Yes Emma I smashed this week, - pass me the crispy m&m’s!!’

So when I started writing this newsletter that’s exactly what I thought about - how I want you to feel.

By learning, implementing and being inspired to make some small tweaks OR BIG changes in order to, quite frankly, start this week knowing that you’ve set yourself up to win.

And that my friends is a good feeling.

So lets dig in 😉 

Why you’re not winning the week 🫠 

I get to speak with hundreds of business owners every year and one thing that pops up all of the time is that their calendar is dictated by the wants and needs of other people. Meetings, calls, deadlines - it’s a list of all the things you need to do in order to:

  • satisfy other people 😶‍🌫️ 

  • serve your customers 🫣 

  • support your team 🫥 

and it leaves little time for you, your goals and the things you love to do. No wonder it’s easy to get to Friday feeling like a busy fool.

If you don’t pro-actively take a moment today to make this week yours - reaction mode takes over as soon as Monday morning arrives and its hard to get out of it once you’ve entered the zone.

Thats where a 30 minute session on a Sunday can unravel all of that. We have to go in to the week prepared on…

 ‘What it is that YOU WANT THIS WEEK

but also know


and before you say oh but I dont work on a Sunday!….This is about dreaming up what you would love to achieve by Friday - what are the top 3 things? Dreaming and being inspired to have your very best week.

If you achieved them by Friday how would that feel?

Plan in the time to think about what you want this week, write it down and refer to it everyday. It’s 6pm….you’ve still got time to do this and enter Monday like the pro-active king or queen you are. 👑 

Don't Keep Your Week a Mystery 🕵️‍♀️ 

If you don’t share your plans this week with those closest to you - then it’s like starting a journey with a surprise map. 🗺️ 

When I keep my plans to myself how can I expect anyone else to know what Im doing, when, where with who and what it might mean to them? My partner, my PA or my team?!

But that’s what I used to do….A LOT. Keep it all squirrelled away and get annoyed when other people didn’t have a crystal ball 🔮 

If you don’t share….there’s a much bigger chance of misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and maybe the odd argument 😅 

Sooooo…’s how I set myself up for success on a Sunday:

  1. My work calendar is shared with Joe (my triathlon loving bf) - it means he can see where I need to be, what commitments I’ve got at any time and avoids lots of unnecessary and frustrating convos

  2. On a Sunday we take a couple of minutes to talk about what our weeks look like and any key events that mean we might need to co-ordinate travel, who has the car, who looks after Ralph (doggo not child) they might sound like trivial questions but we head into the week knowing we’ve ironed out anything that might trip us up, cause stress and generally make us less effective!

  3. I plan all of my fitness sessions in on a Sunday - exercise is one of the ways I have a successful week and if I get them in, in advance they get done, they cant be double booked and people know when Im not available.

By just taking a few moments to align your weekly goals and schedules, you're not just creating a smoother week; you're building a stronger connection and I’m all for that 😄 💘 

My Sunday Framework 🧠 

I LOVE a framework. One of my mentors Brendon Burchard first introduced me to them! - I realised that everything he teaches simply has a series of steps or letters to prompt you!

It’s basically a really easy way to remember the steps on how you get from the start to the finish without getting lost.

So I created one for myself and my Sunday planning session which is a non-negotiable for me.

The weeks when I’ve missed it are less productive, less enjoyable and have me in reaction mode.

And Reactive Entrepreneurs are NOT HAPPY ONES!

So let me share the good stuff with you here:

P - Plan - What are the top 3 things I want to get done this week by Friday? The 3 things that will move the needle - in your business, you career, get you more customers, get you more time! Move you towards doing more of what you love. What are those 3 things? Write them down

A - Announce to your PA or team what your top 3 things are so they know what is important to you and not to interrupt your focus time. (I send it on an email to my PA on a Sunday night)

A - Ahead - Look ahead to whats already in your calendar this week - what do you need to -re-schedule, prep for, push back so that you more time back, anything you don’t really need to be a part of?

F - Focus time - Now we plan in that juicy focus time where we dedicate to getting the top 3 done. Whether you have 90 minutes per day, 1 hour twice a week or you block out each morning (more on focus time in next weeks edition) there is no one size fits all, whatever works for you - you must plan at least some time in where you:

  • Put your phone on DND

  • Don’t check your emails

  • Just concentrate on your top 3

Get that blocked out this week NOW! Even if its just one hour this week and two hours the next, three the week after. Do it, follow the above and start to see the progress you make.

F - Fun - make sure there is something planned in this week that you enjoy and can get excited about. Whether its a workout, some time to yourself or a date night. The feeling of a planned productive week PLUS time for you is 💯 

So there it is my PAAFF framework - I must work on getting a better name for it 🤣 but it works and thats all that matters 😄 

Win The Week Stats! 📈 

  • People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them! 🤯 So says Gail Matthews a psychology professor at Dominican University California

  • There is a 19% increase in stress and a 17% increase in effort when you try to complete a task with interruptions! Focus time improves mood, engagement, stress & frustration!
    DND focus mode for the win! 📱 

I hope you enjoyed reading but more importantly I hope you plan a minute (or 60 of them) to yourself to implement.

Much love… go win the week



P.S. If there’s anything you’ like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m all ears 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: