• Win The Week
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  • How Covid unlocked my calendar for the better...

How Covid unlocked my calendar for the better...

This ONE thing fast-tracked my success and it can do for you too

Achieve Everything you Want by Winning the Week

In Today’s Issue…

  • We’re you paying attention last week? 🤓 

  • Focus or Fail: The ONE rule for getting things done 🔥 

  • A hack I use each week to make the most of my focus time 🎵 

  • If your sick 🤒 of not achieving what you set out too - read this!


In 2020 we all suddenly had more time and personally it was the big ‘line in the sand for me’ on changing up how I planned my weeks.

Covid gave me a minute to reflect on where we’d been and what actually I wanted my business and my weeks to look like.

I was sick of having the same year in business repeated over and over. 🥱 

Lots of things on the list to do - working on a bit of everything and achieving little.

Turnover would grow a bit, drop a bit, grow a bit and so it went.

Then on the 15th July 2020, sat in the sun on the balcony of my apartment in Manchester (remember how freaking sunny it was at that time 😅) I was prepping for a call with my business coach Martin and I made a promise to myself that I had to make this year different.

I remember so clearly telling him that I justcouldnt let the next 5 years be the same as my last.

I had to break the rut I was in of being overwhelmed, working on the low value stuff, not delegating enough and my calendar was quite frankly a disgrace (I dont mind admitting among friends 😉 - it was hectic to say the least)

And from that day I made a sesimic shift on how I treat my time, understanding the value of it and my ability to get things done.

One major change was Focus Time for me - which is the topic for this week ✨ 

So lets dig in 😉 

We’re you paying attention? Last weeks insights 🤓 

As a ‘Week Winner’ 🤸 (my new name for my lovely subscribers 🤣 ) new ways to optimise what you achieve is clearly important and we’re already in the top 1% of people who focus on the week ahead in advance!!

But reflecting on what happened over the past 7 days is also a key to the big unlocks that stop you progressing. 🔓️ 

I’d love you to take a minute before the end of today to think about or journal on these questions:

  1. Did you achieve the 3 things you set out to last week?

  2. Did you plan time in to work on them?

  3. Did you STICK to the time you planned in? Are you maybe a night owl and your planning your focus time in first thing? Is it realistic?

Just working through these 3 questions now will unlock changes you can make to this week.

Most importanly - if you didnt achieve them don’t beat yourself up. This work is about looking more closely at why you didnt achiveve them and making the constant tweaks and improvements so that get closer to winning!

Focus or Fail: The one rule for getting things done

Set yourself up for success - planning in the time is one thing but making it as procrastination free as possible is the other challenge we all have 😂 - here are my must do’s to make your focus time a success this week:

  • Define what you want to achieve in this session before you start (what gets measured gets done!)

  • Gather everything you need prior - whether its materials, notes or books! Dont start looking when you’re meant to be in your focus time

  • Put your phone, your emails, any device and comms on DND! Your phone should be diverted to someone else and your emails can do without you for a couple of hours!!!!! 😛 

  • Tell your team - or those most likely to ask you questions or interrupt when your Focus time is so they leave you in peace

  • If your time includes working on your laptop shut all of your programs down. The temptation is far too big to procrastinate - checking apps, googling - anything that takes you away from doing the deep work. Believe me I’ve been there - and still go there if I dont work on an empty laptop

  • Big water bottle - stay hyrdrated - SERIOUSLY, its important for focus

Go Win The Week 😘 

Focus Time Hacks

Even though you’ve set up the time to yourself, to work on the good stuff have you ever experienced that feeling of uncomfortability? Relief from the pain of focussing on just one thing for the next hour?

Well ONE THING that helps me to get into the zone and drown everything out is the right playlist in my ears.

It really focuses my intention for the next hour, my brain and gives me a sense of ease in whatever I’m working on next.

I love these Spotify playlists for background music when I totally want to get in the zone - click the links ⬇️ :

If your sick of not achieving what you set out to - Read this!

Want my help this week?

I THRIVE off accountability. I tell anyone I can what I want to achieve so that it’s out there in the world and I can be taken to task if I dont do it.

My mastermind group, business coach, boyfriend, PA, leadership team, friends etc - they’re all pivotal in holding me to account on what I need to get done.

I cannot recommend it enough - share with those around you, close to you, people you trust - what’s important to you this week to complete.

And if you really don’t have anyone you feel you can share with

Hit reply ⬇️ with your top 3 must do’s and I’ll keep you accountable this week 😉 and lets Win the Week together 🤝 

Win The Week Stats You Should know! 📈 

  • The average human has an attention span of just 8.25 seconds!!! There’s so many reasons why, from technology to constant distractions, we all need to find ways to be able to focus on a task for longer periods of time (*cue Win the Week!)

  • According to research, most people need at least a solid hour for focus time, and 82% need somewhere between one and three hours of uninterrupted time to get deep work done - SO PLAN IT IN! 

I hope you enjoyed reading but more importantly I hope you plan a minute (or 60 of them) to yourself to implement.

Much love… go win the week



P.S. If there’s anything you’ like to see in here, a topic for me to tackle or just any feedback at all - HIT REPLY! I’m all ears 🙏 

P.P.S If you know someone who would love practical tips sent to their inbox every week of How to Win the Week!...➡️  Forward this edition to them and they can sign up here: https://emmas-newsletter-adef7a.beehiiv.com/subscribe 

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